Welcome to the current and official
2024-2025 SDNC CAPMT website!
We are the San Diego North Chapter of
the California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT), the only
state music teachers association in California
affiliated with a national organization. The Music Teachers National
Association (MTNA) was founded in 1876 and is the oldest professional music
teachers' organization in the United States. Our membership includes
independent music teachers, college faculty members, students, and concert
artists of every instrument and voice.
Important information about
qualifying for the Spotlight Concert here!
The goals of SDNC are to support and
advance professional music teaching within our chapter’s region
which is the northern part of San Diego and Imperial Counties of California.
To increase professionalism among
music teachers through regular meetings,
educational presentations, and workshops.
To provide positive educational
experiences for music students through
quality instruction, performance opportunities, and local, state, and national
To encourage respect for the work of
teacher colleagues, as well as for the
work of students of all ages, cultures, and musical disciplines.
CAPMT is an all-volunteer registered
501(c)(3)charitable organization
Our chapter is affiliated with the
state California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT) and the
Music Teachers' National Association (MTNA) that includes the northern, coastal
areas of San Diego County. However, much of our current membership reside in areas as far south as Chula Vista, as far north as
Los Angeles as far east as Poway/Escondido. We welcome potential members who
teach all instruments: piano, winds, strings, brass, percussion, and voice. We
also would like to welcome young professionals who are either starting out or
are actively building their teaching careers.
Members of San Diego North Chapter (CAPMT),
Welcome to
our early Winter Newsletter! We have had two successful events so far, the Fall
Festival at Greene Music with 57 students participating, and the Piano and
Ensemble Festival at Carmel Valley Library with 12 participants. See the end of
this newsletter for the details on some very successful recent events!
Here is a
note from our President, Lee Galloway:
“Greetings CAPMT members! As you can see from this newsletter
detailing our successful recent events and outlining exciting options coming
up...we are on a roll!
Be sure to read through the whole newsletter to discover the
perfect opportunities for you and your students!
I look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon!”
First a few
matters of business:
1) We
have a new email address for the chapter, it is sdnorthcapmt@gmail.com.
All correspondence regarding the chapter and its events and your questions
should be sent here, the old email address is no longer functioning.
2) We
have a new website which may be found here: www.sdnorthcapmt.org.
Please note the old website is no longer the correct one but may still be
active online, leading to confusion. www.sdnorthcapmt.org
is the only official website for the North Chapter.
3) Anna
Grigorian has graciously arranged a limited number of tickets for San Diego
Symphony concerts, on a first-come, first-served basis to chapter students (and
a guardian) (subject to availability). This includes the upcoming performance
of Inon Bartanan of
Shostakovich Piano Concerti Dec 7 at 7:30 PM at the renovated Jacobs Music
Center downtown San Diego. Please contact her at annagrigorianpiano@gmail.com if
you would like tickets (maximum 2) by December 3, 2025. She can inform
you as well of additional tickets for future concerts, as available.
Our next
official event of the season is the Winter Festival.
The Winter
Festival application window is now open and will close on Feb
2, 2025. The event will be held February 16, 2025 1pm-5pm at the Steinway Gallery in San Diego
in Mira Mesa. Here is the link to register: Register
for Winter Festival
Please read
the guidelines carefully as they have been updated. Direct any questions to the
chair Sean Bennett at sdnorthcapmt@gmail.com
. We have adjusted the form to fill out so each teacher may enter multiple
students on one form.
Please find
Parental and Adult Consent Forms here:
Consent Form: California Association of Professional Music Teachers San
Diego North Chapter- Parent Consent Waiver (google.com)
Consent Form: California Association of Professional Music Teachers San
Diego North Chapter- Adult Student Consent Waiver (google.com)
These need
to be filled out again by a parent or guardian unless you have done so already
this year, and unless the applicant is 18 or over (in which case they need to
fill out the adult consent form), as we do this once a year for our records and
as required by CAPMT.
Please note,
if you have entered your students, you are required to assist in some way,
ideally by assisting at the event, however there are also other ways to assist
if you are unavailable, please inquire.
please find a quick and easy additional Events-At-A-Glance for
our programs planned so far upcoming. If you have entered your students, your
helping hands are strongly encouraged for the events!
2-16, 2024 is the Honors Competition registration period. The District competition date is February 22, 2025 and the State
Finals will be March 22, 2025. Please note the organization for this is
run by the South San Diego Chapter this year (we alternate years). Link for
information and rules: CAPMT
District 1 Honors Competition and Contemporary Competition
16, 2025 1PM-5PM. Winter Festival: Steinway Recital Hall, Mira
Mesa, San Diego. Applications are open now at the link above.
forthcoming we plan to offer masterclasses to chapter teachers, students, and
other interested parties. Stay tuned!
Festival Date TBD (Usually late April or early May)
SDNC Spotlight
Concert: All students
who participate in at least two SDNC/CAPMT/qualifying MTAC/RCM events with
recommendation from teachers, if performed by memory (except certain RCM
programs Prep A – Level 8), will be eligible to perform at this wonderful event
to be held in June. Please see the link near the top of
for more information on the Spotlight Concert.
A successful
Fall Festival occurred on November 3, 2024 at Greene
Music in Mira Mesa. The event was chaired by James Gary, and many teachers
assisted with the organization, and we are grateful to them for this help, including, Elena Edgar, Katie Kim, Yukiko Mitchell and Young
Robbins, as well as James’ wife Miho. 57 Students participated in 3 recitals, and
the audience was full to capacity for each! Each
student performed on a beautiful Yamaha CFX concert
grand, and each received evaluations from adjudicator Sean Bennett. Teachers
Elena Edgar, James Gary, Anna Stal, Dana Burnett, Yukiko Mithcell, Katie Kim,
Young Robbins, and Eunie Ahn each had students in the event. At the conclusion,
pictures of each group of recital participants was
taken after each student was awarded a certificate and participation trophy.
Special thanks to Greene Music for hosting the event, and to Tavner Delcamp and Dr. Eveline Eng for their assistance in
organizing the participants into programs, and printing and distributing them.
All teachers received evaluations by email on November 7th. We hope
the Winter Festival will be as vibrant and has as much
quality music making as the Fall Festival.
November 16,
2024, the Piano and Ensemble Festival occurred at the Carmel Valley
Library with 12 participants. This annual event is a CAPMT sponsored
event and was chaired by Tavner
Delcamp. The adjudicator was Tim Broadway who provided written
feedback for each student's performance. Each student received a certificate of
participation and a participation trophy. Students who received a score of
5 will have the opportunity to participate in the CAPMT Festival Celebration
that will take place on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at
the Los Angeles Harbor College. We are thankful to the Carmel Valley
Library for continuing to host our events on their nice Kawai Grand piano.
Here are a
few photos from the recent successful events!
Thank you
and we look forward to many more fine music programs this year!
Prepared by
Sean Bennett, Vice President, CAPMT SDNC.
Dear Members
of San Diego North Chapter (CAPMT),
Fall is
almost here, and as is our first newsletter of the year. Please read through
this carefully as there have been some changes from previous years. First, a
message from our new President, Lee Galloway:
members of the SDNC Chapter! I am excited to announce that your board for
2024-2025 is looking forward to a great year of positive energy and
camaraderie! Our board meetings have been exciting and uplifting with an
enthusiastic spirit of volunteerism. I am so impressed with the positive energy
that I see as we put together a great year ahead for our members. We look
forward to seeing you at events and encourage members to be a part of our team
by volunteering to assist at events. I look forward to
seeing you soon!
Now onto a
few matters of business:
1) We have a new email address for the
chapter, it is sdnorthcapmt@gmail.com.
All correspondence regarding the chapter and its events and your questions
should be sent here, the old email address is no longer functioning.
2) We have a new website which may be
found here: www.sdnorthcapmt.org.
Please note the old website is no longer available.
3) In short time, Eveline Eng will
relaunch the “Find a Teacher” feature on our website
and this tool and link will be communicated to members by email.
We have a
new Board of Directors,
Galloway: President
Bennett: Vice President
Delcamp: Treasurer
Eveline Eng:
Membership Secretary
James Gary:
1. Our first chapter event of the season
is the Fall Festival.
The Fall
Festival application window is now open and will close on Oct 27,
2024. The event will be held November 3, 2024
10am-2:30pm at Greene Music in San Diego. Here is the link to register: Register
For Fall Festival
Please read
the guidelines carefully as they have been updated. We will be introducing
“Compliment Cards” from the audience for the benefit of encouraging the young
performers as is done in some other chapters and will ask teachers to help us
select from memorized performers for the Spotlight Concert. Direct any
questions to the chair James Gary at james.gary4@yahoo.com.
Please find
Parental and Adult Consent Forms here:
Consent Form: California
Association of Professional Music Teachers San Diego North Chapter- Parent
Consent Waiver (google.com)
Consent Form: California
Association of Professional Music Teachers San Diego North Chapter- Adult
Student Consent Waiver (google.com)
These need
to be filled out again by a parent or guardian, unless the applicant is 18 or
over (in which case they need to fill out the adult consent form), as we do
this once a year for our records and as required by CAPMT.
2. Below,
please find a quick and easy additional Events-At-A-Glance for
our programs planned so far for this year. If you have entered your students,
your helping hands are strongly encouraged for the events!
27, 2024. The San
Diego South Chapter has graciously invited ready North Chapter musicians to
their Young Artists Competition! 1 PM – 5 PM. Location: Steinway Piano Gallery
San Diego. 9222 Miramar Rd, 92126. The registration Window: October 1 - October
13, 2024. Please register after October 1, as the South Chapter wants to make
sure there is enough space available for South Members. Event Chair: Sonya
Schumann. Download the YAC flyer here. The information about the YAC may be found here.
Registration is handled through the South Chapter Website at www.sdsouthcapmt.org.
3. 2024. Fall
Festival at Greene Music 10am-2:30pm. Please see description
16, 2024 is the Piano and Ensemble Festival at Carmel Valley Library.
October 5, 2024 registration deadline. Piano festival
link: CAPMT - Piano Festivals
Ensemble festival link: Ensemble
Auditions (capmt.org). General information about the Festival
may be found at Northern
& Southern Festivals (capmt.org). Please note that teachers of entered
students are required by CAPMT State Regulations to volunteer to assist with
the state-level events.
2-16, 2024 is the Honors Competition. The District
competition date is TBD in February 2025. Link for information and to
apply: CAPMT
District 1 Honors Competition and Contemporary Competition
16, 2025 1PM-5PM. Winter Festival: Steinway Recital Hall, Mira Mesa,
San Diego. Details forthcoming.
Festival Date TBD (Usually late April or early May)
Masterclass TBD in 2025, Steinway Gallery, Mira Mesa
3. If
your students are involved in the Royal College of Music Assessment program,
the Practical is December 7 and 8, 2024. Theory is December 13 and 14, 2024.
Registration Window: September 4 – October 16, 2024. Please find information about the winter
assessment dates and procedures here: RCM Winter Assessments
4. Spotlight
Awards Concert: All students who participate in at least two
SDNC/CAPMT/qualifying MTAC/RCM events with recommendation from teachers, if
performed by memory (except certain RCM programs Prep A – Level 8), will be
eligible to perform at this wonderful event to be held in June.